SW3 Green Energy Services

"Renewable Energy Doesn’t Cost The Earth” 


Expert Solar Solutions for Businesses

Empower your business with our commercial solar panels. Reduce costs, cut your carbon footprint, and ensure a sustainable future.

Why Solar Your Business?

Commercial Solar Panels

At SW3 Green Energy Services, we believe that embracing solar energy for your business is a forward-thinking and economically wise decision. As many businesses continue to recover from the economic impacts of the pandemic, the rising energy costs add another layer of challenge. With customers becoming increasingly aware of the environmental impact of their choices, they are more inclined to support businesses committed to sustainable energy practices.

Our extensive experience, spanning over two decades, empowers us to provide businesses throughout Croydon, Redhill, and beyond with tailored solar energy solutions. These solutions not only reduce your carbon footprint but also lead to substantial cost savings, allowing you to reinvest in your business and drive growth.

Do I Need Planning Permission?

Planning Permission for Commercial Solar Panels

In many cases, you won’t need planning permission for your commercial solar panel installation. This simplifies the process and facilitates a smoother transition to renewable energy. However, if you’re leasing your business premises from a third party, it’s wise to inform them about your solar plans and notify your insurance provider for comprehensive coverage.

Our team uses advanced technology like Google Earth mapping to assess your roof’s size accurately, providing a precise projection of your renewable energy potential. This helps you make informed decisions aligned with your business objectives and environmental responsibility.

Maintaining Your Business Solar Panels

To keep your commercial solar panels in top shape, regular maintenance is key. Our experts recommend professional servicing every five years. During these check-ups, we visually inspect your panels for damage, obstructions, or corrosion, and test components like inverters and meters for optimal performance.

While solar panels are generally self-cleaning, occasional professional cleaning, particularly after severe weather, can boost their efficiency. Well-maintained solar panels can last up to 30 years, ensuring long-term energy savings for your business.

Get Your Free Solar
Quote Today!

Discover how solar panels can reduce your energy bills and benefit the environment. Contact us now for a free, no-obligation solar quote tailored to your specific needs. Start your journey to a greener and more cost-effective future today!